How it works

Contacto organizes contact data into a tree structure.

The tree root is a wrapper around an SQLite database which holds the data. The rest of the tree consists of Groups, Entities and Attributes.

Tree elements


Groups are just a collection of entities with a unique name.


Entities hold attributes and may have an associated thumbnail.

Setting the thumbnail is usually done by setting a binary thumbnail attribute. See Thumbnails for more info.


Attributes are the tree leaves and hold arbitrary contact data.

There are 4 types:

  • Text: contains text data, may be searched in

  • Binary: contains binary data such as images

  • Entity reference: refers to an entity in the same tree

  • Attribute reference: refers to an attribute in the same tree

The latter two types are tree cross-references, also called XREFs. These are used to track relationships within the tree.

Entity references may be used to indicate entity relationships and attribute references allow attributes to track each other.

Attribute references may form reference chains which must ultimately terminate at an entity or a non-reference attribute.

If a loop would form at any point during tree transformation, the program will reject that transformation.


In this section I describe the terms refspec and valspec used throughout the documentation.

Group names are globally unique, entity names are unique within a group and attribute names are unique within an entity. Names are non-empty and must not include a slash (/) character.

While this is a functional limitation, it allows describing contact data using only their named path!

This named path called refspec (reference specifier) is used throughout the project for matching contact tree members from groups to attributes.

A refspec has the form GROUP/ENTITY/ATTRIBUTE.

There are two types of refspecs used throughout the project:

  • Fully-specified (strict):

    Uniquely defines a group (GROUP), entity (GROUP/ENTITY) or attribute (GROUP/ENTITY/ATTRIBUTE).

    Examples: Family/Dad, Friends/Jack/favorite_color.

  • Generic

    Defines a set of tree elements matching name criteria. Any refspec part may be omitted. Useful for searching within the tree.


    • /Jack matches Jack entities in any group

    • //tag matches tag attributes in any entity

    • Friends//tag matches tag attributes in the Friends group

Attribute values also have a specifier called valspec which determines their source and type. These are used when setting new attributes in CLI and in export YAML files.

  • FILE:<filename> specifies binary data read from a file

  • URL:<url> specifies binary data read from an URL

  • REF:<strict_refspec> specifies a tree reference

  • Anything else is considered direct text data

Special operations

Besides the common operations such as get, set, search, etc. Contacto provides a few non-trivial ones:

  • Merge

    Merges two tree elements of the same type, recursively merging their children, if any.

    This also attempts to re-target XREFs and fails in case of loop induction.

  • Rotate

    Attributes may be rotated in a logrotate-like fashion, letting users maintain history of their values.

    This is very useful when tracking live changes such as avatar updates.

Import / Export

Contacto supports the YAML format for importing and exporting tree data.

An example YAML file may be found in Code examples.


Entity thumbnails may be set directly using the Group API but the method preferred in external use is setting a thumbnail attribute.

This attribute may be binary or an AXREF resolving to a binary one.

If the thumbnail attribute of an entity does not contain a valid image, it is not loaded and the thumbnail does not update.


Contacto supports external plugins by naming convention.

Plugins are not run automatically but are called when specified (for example using a CLI command, see Plugin example).

Contacto requires all plugins to be available as top-level modules and be named contacto_<plugin_name> in order to be discovered.

An example plugin, watchdog, is included in the plugins directory of the project. If you wish to experiment with it, put it in your current directory or otherwise make it available as top-level module.

Warning: the plugins directory is not a plugin storage, it’s there to demonstrate what a Contacto plugin looks like. Plugins may be simply distributed via PyPI.

Plugin interface

Contacto plugins must have a plugin_init function which receives a Storage object (see Module

The plugin may then freely modify the database.

Plugin design

Plugins may take action based on data already found in the database.

Since Contacto places minimal restraints on what may be saved as an attribute, plugins may take advantage of acting on attributes with specific names or values.

They may be used to maintain data, provide analysis, track upstream sources for new data and more.

The provided watchdog plugin provides source tracking, for example.